ArduPilotMega versus ArduPlane software packages


Hi there!


I'm somewhat confused about the software naming convention (I'm a noob so forgive me that I cannot get it right). My interest is in Arduplane version.


On the page of "Downloading and using the APM software with Arduino"

( it is stated:


"Once you have Arduino, download the latest APM software. It will be named ArduPilotMega(version number).zip."

When I go to the provided link, I see "" which seems to be a rather old version (January 2011). The page doesnt have anything newer than that with ArduPilotMega name.

I also see file which is fairly new and I feel this is the one I am looking for, but I'm confused. What is the difference between ArduPlane and ArduPilotMega software packages?





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  • Moderator

    The community recently realigned the naming.


    ArduPilot is the legacy hardware

    ArduPilotMega is the current hardware

    ArduPilotMega was also used to refer to the software that puts the ArduPilotMega+oilpan into use in fixed wing aircraft

    ArduCopterMega was used to refer to the software that puts the ArduPilotMega+oilpan into use in rotor aircraft


    It was a confusing evolution of names, so about a month ago, when the code was moved from SVN to GIT (code repositories, if you are developer you'll know what this means, if not, ignore it) the names were changed to better reflect what is going on here.


    So now ArduPilotMega is the hardware, common to all the platforms

    ArduPlane is the software for APM on a "plank", a fixed wing aircraft

    ArduCopter is the software for APM on a rotor aircraft

    ArduRover is for ground vehicles (new)

    ArduBoat for water (surface) craft (new)

    And I know there is at least one guy doing subs and a few doing LTA (lighter than air) but I don't think there is a common software version created for them that they are sharing right now.


    But you will find mixed referenes to ArduPilotMega, where it is now ArduPlane. 


    I hope this confusing explanation help. If you find references you think are old or confusing, please point them out so that someone in the community w/ access to edit the manual can change them. Thanks!


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