Ardupirates Hexacopter Questions

I'm building a hexacopter with ArdupiratesNG code downloaded from Tortoise SVN. My equipment is a Ardupilot Mega 1280, ArduPilot Mega IMU Shield/OilPan Rev-H V1.0, RCtimer motors and ESC's, Futaba 2.4 Ghz 7channel radio.


Problems: It appears as though the installation of everything is good, I cannot get the motors to spin and I cannot get the configurator to work.


I have some questions I have not been able to find clear answers for.


1.When I install the wires from the ESC's to the APM do I only need to attach the signal wire or do I need to attach the signal and ground wire?


2.When I open the Arducopter Configurator V1.2.2. In the box at the top that says Flight Software Version, is it suppose to say something there when I attach my APM to it ? 


3. With my Futaba radio, Should I have the throttle channel reveresed?


4. I know that to arm the board I must hold the throttle to the lower right corner for a few seconds, but what indications should I have that the board is armed?


5. Will the board arm if it does not have GPS lock?


6. When installing the code I  downloaded Arduino 022. I downloaded Tortoise SVN. I created a folder through SVN with this pathway to the trunk, then I copied the whole Ardupirates folder created by SVN into the Arduino folder created by Arduino in my documents folder. Next I created a sketches folder in my documents and copied just the sketches out of the ardupirates folder created by SVN. Next I copied the contents in the libraries folder into Arduinos libraries. I adjusted the confiig.h  for hexacopter,BMP, GPS, MAG, and  I commented //#define SerXbee under serial communication and wireless link. I then connected my APM to my computer with my USB cable and uploaded the code after verifying. Does that all seem correct or did I do something wrong?


7. When I try to start the configurator. I put the slider switch to 1 or towards the front of the board as specified on the ardupirates wiki page, but it will never connect. If I unplug power to the board, move the switch to 0 position It will then connect, but I have no function on the configurator. Any ideas why ?


On a side note, I'm in a position where I can help protect the freedom of sUAS's and help change some overly restrictive rules that may be put out shortly. I really need to get this Hexacopter working first though so any help is appreciated. 



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  • Also, in the configurator it said to move my aux 1 and 2 end points to 50%. I just figured out that when i did this I could not disengage the yellow led on the imu board. I moved the end points back to 100% and now i can get the yellow light to go on and off, but the only thing this affected is now i have control of the throttle. The motors at 0% are still going to about 20% power.
  • 3.  I reverse my Futaba throttle channel.  After reversing, for me off is down, full is up on the left stick.


    4.  I don't know why yet, but I have to hold bottom left, not right to arm mine.  When it arms the motors tend to give a little pulse and a led on the board changes.  I'm at work and can't rememeber which led.


    5.  Mine arms when testing without GPS lock in my basement.


    6.  I haven't figured it out either.


    7.  I use switch forward, 30 seconds of timeout on the configurator.  You have to power off and repower the board when you move the switch.


    Hope this helps.


    Good luck with the rules.  I'm at the point were I no longer care.  I don't want to hurt the hobby by being careless.  So I am careful and respectful.  I'm just not going to let some government agency control me.  I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

  • does the CLI work?

    1. signal wire is ok, but signal and ground would be better

    2. yes it should say something like 1.54

    3. I don't know how futaba radios assign the throttle channel, you could try to reverse it, if it's wrong you can't arm and nothing happens so it's safe

    4. the green LED (A) blinks slowly when armed

    5. yes it will

    6. seems correct


    7. you choose the right Com port and right speed? set the timeout to 20 seconds

    does your board boot up (green LED solid) with power connected?

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