
ArduPlane 2.66 released

I've just released ArduPlane 2.66

This release fixes a number of small issues in 2.65. In particular

  • fixed auto-takeoff if you mission specifies a 0 value for latitude/longitude in the TAKEOFF command. This makes auto-takeoff missions easier to setup with Mission Planner
  • fixed doc strings for loiter radius to reflect new larger maximum radius. This should allow a loiter radius above 127 to be specified in Mission Planner
  • Added support for altitude override from Mission Planner in auto (thanks to Michael)
  • allow battery voltage/current pins to be set to different pins (thanks to Randy)
  • added differential spoiler support for elevon planes (thanks to Xichen Shi). This isn't documented yet, but hopefully will be soon.
  • fixed control of additional aileron channels in manual mode (so they follow the main aileron channel)

There are a lot more things being worked on right now, but I decided to get this out as a stable release update before putting in lots of new code.

Happy flying!

Cheers, Tridge

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  • Can the source code for the 2.66 HIL be found anywhere? When compiling the 2.66 code and uploading it myself (after changing to HIL_MODE_SENSORS) has an issue where the control surfaces in Mission Planner (using 1.2.20) and the associate X-Plane control surfaces do not move. However, everything works fine when flashing the 2.66 HIL code from mission planner. Interestingly, when uploading  the code using HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE, the control surfaces also work.

  • Hi Tridge,

    I see you released 2.67, thank you. 2.66 seems to be working fine for me, so, before I upload, would you mind noting the changes in 2.67?



  • Developer

    Hi Andrew,

    Could be possible to implement a second battery voltage reading through Mavlink protocol? Will be necesary a second voltage reference for an improvement reading?

    I have emptied three onboard video batteries with an obvious result of a three batteries bricked  :(

    Other application of this could be fly a copter with two batteries instead of one.

    With this we can take more time in flight.

    Thanks for your effort Andrew,

    Regards from Spain,



  • when will be released the version 2.67 ?? i need the RSSI thanks

  • Can someone help me fix on board logging?

    It does not works at all for me.

    Any suggestion?



  • Moderator

    Thanks Tridge.

    I tried some lengthy Loiters this morning in a strongish breeze but ended up with a very bean- or 9-shaped track, the wind was pushing the tail around very hard at the end of the downwind leg. I tried quite a few parameter changes but wasn't able to get the circle more round or at least oval. Wind was from the north (up).

    I tried upper and lower levels of  Nav Roll P > 0.500 to 0.700, Nav Roll I > 0.010 to 0.100 and Nav Roll D > 0.010 to 0.300 but couldn't get it better.


  • Moderator

    How do I get an altitude error to be corrected more by elevator than by throttle?

  • Moderator

    @Andrew here's the log from 2 Nov.

    2012-11-02 14-59-02.tlog
  • Moderator

    @Andrew, As per my last post, I had 2.65 installed on my Finwing Penguin.  On 29 October it flew perfectly.  However on 2 Nov, it would do 30kts IAS upwind, and then on downwind, it would accelerate at full power to 50kts IAS.  I have an airspeed sensor on it and it seems to be indicating airspeed correctly.

    You asked for my log files and here they are.  One shows the flight from 29 Oct perfect, and the other one is from 4 Nov where it was playing silly games on downwind.  Also on 2 Nov, we had to take over manual control frequently as it would deviate off course and do things like lose altitude when it wasn't supposed to etc.

    2012-10-29 15-55-04.tlog

  • Moderator

    @Andrew, As per my last post, I had 2.65 installed on my Finwing Penguin. On 29 October it flew perfectly. However on 4 Nov, it would do 30kts IAS upwind, and then on downwind, it would accelerate at full power to 50kts IAS. I have an airspeed sensor on it and it seems to be indicating airspeed correctly. You asked for my log files and here they are. One shows the flight from 29 Oct perfect, and the other one is from 4 Nov where it was playing silly games on downwind. Also on 4 Nov, we had to take over manual control frequently as it would deviate off course and do things like lose altitude when it wasn't supposed to etc.

    2012-10-29 15-55-04.tlog

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