ArduPlane 3.3.0 Bad LIDAR Health

I am getting Bad Lidar Health warnings, but good sonarrange data when I attempt to test a LIDAR-Lite on my Pixhawk running MP 1.3.30 and ArduPlane V3.3.0 .

Is anyone else experiencing this problem and is there a solution?

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  • Setting rngfnd_landing to 1 cured my Bad LIDAR Health warning. Thanks to Grant on the ArduPilot site for the solution.

    It should be noted that you will get a Bad LIDAR Health warning if you point the LIDAR to the sky. That warning takes 10 seconds to clear after pointing the LIDAR at a surface within range.

    I was getting inaccurate range measurements on the two April-2015 Revision LIDAR-Lites that I am testing until I reset rngfnd_scaling to 1 and rng_fnd_offset to -32 centimetres, to compensate for a 0.32volt sonarvoltage reading that I was getting at near-zero range. I had previously attempted to cure oddball range readings by changing the rngfnd_scaling value and treating the rngfnd_offset value as volts when it should be centimetres for the Pixhawk PWM solution.

    The initial production version LIDAR-Lite that I tested did not appear to require any changes to the default rngfnd_offset and rngfnd_scaling values, but caused the GPS to lose lock. Both of the April-2015 units that I tested are GPS-friendly, but needed the rngfnd_offset change.

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