Arduplane 3.3.0 RTL sequence

I have a question about how RtL works in 3.3

I was at 1000+ meters, when engaged RTL. My RTL altitude is set to 100 meters. So I expected plane to glide towards me till it reaches 100m and then continue with motor if still didn't reach me.

But instead, it was trying to fight against the wind with motor on, while maintaining approx. same altitude. Wind was strong enough to make ground speed around zero, or maybe it was even moving backwards.

I thought it would try to pitch down till min_pitch is reached or ground speed is at least positive towards launch point. And only then engage motor. But instead it used motor and didn't really pitch down at all.

Ended up landing with dead battery 2.5km away from launch point. Thanks to radio beacon, plane is safe.

I don't have log (log was overwritten while plane was sitting in grass, waiting to be saved). All I have is HD recording from my onboard camera, which though is enough to estimate pitch angles and motor usage.

Has RTL algorithm changed for planes since 2.74? 

P.S. I have no airspeed sensor.

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