Arduplane - does it still work on old APM 1.0 ?


Recently i finished my first fixed wing FPV platform, first test flights went very smooth so im ready to go. At this moment im thinking about some RTH system, just to be safe. I do have a spare APM1.0 board (set of APM + sensor shield) somewhere in drower, is possible to use it still with last version of Arduplane ? Actually i do need only a RTH feature and basic OSD (thinking about minimosd), current and voltage sensor would be nice also but im fine without that too.

Somewhere i do have also a standard uBlox GPS (NEO 6M, 38400 baud, 5Hz) but im not sure if it would work with my APM, never tested. Last thing is a magneto sensor, 1.0 hadnt any at board so i would need to buy a separate one. Question is - do i need magneto in fixed wing ?


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  • Hi, the PX4 HW quality is excellent. Pixhawk probably too. For a plane with PX4, awkwardly you have to remove a tiny component on the board, as there is a built in supply which has too little power for servos.
    You could have a soldering skilled person put a 2560 on your Apm1 and flash the bootldr. Its cheap to get on ebay.
    Regards, Soren
  • Hello Soren !

    Thank you for your reply. Unfortunatelly my APM is very first 1.0 so it does have 1280 processor, and i dont feel so good in understanding of Arduplane code to cut it and recompile at my own, being still sure it will fly and return safe. So looks like my old board will come back to drawer :)

    Also now i dont know what to do. Buying new 2.5 or 2.6 dont have too much sense when i read here and there that this board reached its technical limits in matter of CPU power and memory. Versions for PX4... have no idea how stable they are, also new Pixhawk board is announced, but now only as preorder so for sure theres no any stable code on it at this moment.


  • Hi,

    Yeah it still works. If you have the 1280 processor on it, you will have to remove features and compile more or less endlessly till it has been cut down enough to fit in there. I wouldn't try that. If you have the 2560 (you can read one of those 2 numbers directly on the biggest chip on the main board) it is just plug and play.

    My 1.0s have a small board over the oilpan board with the mag sensor .. it was included. I almost can't believe someone sold you a GPS solution without a mag sensor? Anyway, on a plane and for just finding the way home, it should be possible to go without. Because the plane is always moving, the GPS should have a fairly accurate course.



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