Arduplane v2.27

We have been going around in circles trying to discover what on earth is wrong, so any help would be appreciated!

We have an APM 1 running arduplane v2.27 and using the APM planner with xbee telemetry and after flight testing yesterday, came across this issue.

The aircraft throttle works in the correct sense for manual, auto and RTL modes, but is reversed for stabilized mode only. It took a few seconds to realise that when I put it into stabilize, I had no control of the throttle, unless I lowered it. Switching back to manual was fine. Then subsequently selecting auto and RTL were also ok. 

The dip switches are disabled and we have used the APM planner to calibrate the radio correctly and reverse the throttle by checking the reverse box. 

We have tried using the throttle reverse on the actual Futaba transmitter, but that then transfers the fault the other way around, i.e. manual, auto and RTL throttle is reversed and stabilized is ok, bizarre!

Does anyone know what may be causing this? 

I have attached the log file which starts flying around 40%, we were trying to get the airspeed sensor to read something, quite erratic in flight, probably needs re positioning out the front as it is currently at the side.

Another question for you, how do you stop the apm having a wig out when it goes over 45 degrees of bank, at one point the telemetry thought it did a roll and went upside down, which it didn't do at any stage!

2012-01-09 03-11-06.tlog

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  • Here's a strange addition to this error, my colleague started up the system today with a new fresh receiver battery and the reverse throttle fault has migrated to the manual mode. In other words, stabilized, auto and RTL now have the correct throttle orientation setting and manual is reversed!

    Any idea's what can be causing this, is the board faulty? Is it a voltage issue? Is it a bug with v2.27

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