ArduRover Magnetometer?

I had downloaded the ArduRover firmware to a APM 2.5 board and had tested the IMU, gyro, and magnetometer. The IMU and gyro checked out to be fine but the magnetometer seems to not be working. So I tried the ArduCopter Firmware and it worked for that, but it is not working for the ArduRover. Is there a way to enable it? Any help is appreciated.

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  • Admin


    What version of the ArduRover firmware are you using? I am using v 2.30 alpha on an APM1.4/Oilpan and both the HMC5883L and the HMC5843-TR compasses could be enabled and calibrated in the MP. The HMC5883L could also be enabled and calibrated with the MP using v 2.20b. When using the MP with your version of the ArduRover firmware isn't the compass showing up in the Hardware section? You might try using the CLI in the Terminal Mode and use the test function to test the compass.



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