Hi, I thought it might be a good idea to connect my Ardutracker to Mission Planner with Bluetooth, and so avoid the USB cable between them. It will e.g. be easy to put the tracker at a high tripod. I have paired my laptop and Bluetooth module connected to the pixhawk at the tracker, but can not initiate communication. I get: "No heartbeat packets received". Have checked the com port used and set the speed to 57600. Anyone who have any idea what to do? Grateful for all the help.

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  • Thanks - will check it out.

  • No need for apologies. I've never thought of that, but when I think about it, I have a ccouple of BT applications running that connect too. My Runcam v2 e.g and the lawn mowing robot. So I think that is not the problem. It might be the BT-unit itself, so I've ordered another HC-06 module, so I can compare. But it will probably take 14 days before that arrives.

  • Thanks James.

    I've already done that. I came to the same conclusion. A HC-06 with a cable configured for connection to a Pixhawk.

    I tried setting it up with an Arduino Uno to identify the baud rate. The default rate is said to be 57600. I do not get any response on AT commands at all, but at 57600 I get €-signs coming at the serial inerface contiously with some seconds between them. Don't know what that means.

  • Yes. It's connected to the Telem2 port. (BTW have tested Telem1 and Serial 4/5 ports which all are said to work.) Same result.

    According to the detailed message:"MP waits for 2 valid heartbeats before connecting". So why do they not come? What unit is sending them? The Ardutracker I belive. I have the latest V0.8.0. installed. Are there any firmware in the BT unit? I have this one: http://www.banggood.com/Apm2_52_62_8-Pixhawk-PIX-2_43-Bluetooth-Mod...

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