arm 2.5 conection to MP errors

i just got a new apm 2.5 yesterday and it worked fine until after the first initial set up. now when ever i plug it in to the computer, MP can recognize the arm but i try to conect it and it gets stuck at "got param RC1_MIN" i tried re set it up and it gets stuck at "got param RNGFND_GAIN". also if i try to conect to it via the terminal it gives me this error

Init ArduCopter V3.2.1 (36b405fb)

Free RAM: 1999

FW Ver: 120


load_all took 17223us


3CalibratingbarometerQ?3barometer calibration complete3GROUND START<Q.Failed to boot MPU6000 5 times

"then it repeats the failed to boot thing 5 times"

3Initialising APM . . . QFailed to boot MPU6000 5 times

failed to boot MPU6000 5 timesNo INS backends available

i cant connect to to core so i cant try a factory reset, the 3.3v regulator is working fine and i have no clue what could be wrong with this thing

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