Arming gives weird signal to my ESC


I've just finally finished building my heli, everything seems well set, all servo's in right position, swash moves in right direction, pre-arm safe check passed. But when I arm my heli, my esc starts to beep, which means that the "throttle stick signal is not at the bottom position", and I think that means that the RC8 output of my px4 gives signal that is too high. tried searching for info and solutions but no luck.

Does anybody know what I can do to deal with this problem?

I've calibrated my ESC through my Rx, and is working properly if it's connected to my Rx.

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  • Hmmm... so I assume you've done the full radio calibration for APM?  When you calibrated the ESC for throttle range, you did it while it was plugged in to Ch8, not some other channel on your Rx, correct?

    I have found something strange with Futaba systems at least, that the PWM range is different between the different channels.  Ch5, which is commonly the throttle/ESC channel on a Heli, is 1100-1900.  But Ch8 is 1000-2000, so you have to calibrate the ESC with that.

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