Arming Lost.

After a fairly straightforward setup my APM flew but with a weird yaw rotation. While trying to fix that, a) I got Bad Gyro Health and b) after fixing that  I lost the ability to arm/disarm. 

The HUD display shows all clear but I have a relentless red double blink. I always fly mode 1 and it has worked in that mode. I have experimented with Mode 3 without success. I have tried what I think are all combinations of stick throw.

In the top left corner of my flight data map there is a small square box, dark grey with two concentric black circles. It features a red  zero in the top left corner and sometimes an arrowhead but this is not always in the same place. Is this related to my problem ?

Out of Ideas. Birdmanpete.

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  • 3D Robotics

    Please run the datalog analyser in Mission Planner or Droneshare and it will tell you what's wrong. 

    • I found Data Flash logs and attempted to open those with todays date. There were three Files Mission Palnner, Network and Logs Small. None of those in MP or Network produced usable information due to Parsing errors which were noted as Bad Input Files. The Logs Small file, seemed to imply that it held a file. But when clicked on, it said that there were no files to match my search

      . In my examination of Messages I found that a barometer calibration had been completed and there had been a Ground start initialising APM. 

      I havent found Droneshare.

      I don't seem to be any the wiser.


      • 3D Robotics

        A guide to analyzing log files is here

        Droneshare is the cloud service for flight analysis, but start with Mission Planner for now

        • This is marvelous information and it might take me a little while to work my way through it. If you do not hear from me for a day or two I would hate you to assume that I was not grateful. I am loving this. It is a big challenge but ...... I will get there. 


          • I am unable to see a display like the one you show for TERMINAL. My screen shows the symbol of a screen but it includes a question mark. My suspicion is that this function of the MP has not been full activated. 

            Please advise.


            • Aha !!! What an idiot !!! 

              I rushed to do that full of hope. But I got the error message, "Cannot Get Log List.... OK?"

              Not encouraging.


              • 3D Robotics

                Sounds like an issue with the board. Try reloading the firmware. 

                • I have down loaded the firmware. The HUD now shows Bad Gyro Health and it still will not arm. When I attempt to download the Data log files it gives the message Cannot Get Log List.

                  How do you see the next steps ?

                  Best wishes Peter

              • Not sure what the next step might be. Is there any way to test whether the problem, with downloading logs, lies is in the Mission Planner or in the APM board ?

                Please advise


            • 3D Robotics

              I've edited that wiki page to make it a bit clearer (you don't need the Terminal). Does that help?

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