Arming problem

i am encountering a very strange problem and dont know if anyone else found it before!

when i am taking power from only the 3 cell li po battery of 3300 mah and attempting to arm the red light turns to blue and red as usual but the motor doesnt start to rotate but if i connect a data cable from a laptop to the micro usb port it arms and behave normally and all the motor starts.

what is the reason? is it for low voltage or current or my apm 2.5's failure??

what should i do now to drive it without using the micro usb port??

my motors are 1400kva  and esc 40 A

a schematic circuit diagram is attached here. i'll be grateful if you have a few minutes to see the circuit and help me out.

thanks in advance :)

2015-05-07 20.49.45.jpg

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  • When i am trying to arm now there becomes just a solid red light or sometimes it becomes blue. Beaides the missio plannner also hangs
    i am totally depressed as same circuit sometimes works well and sometimes fails :(
    Thanks for your reply
    • I dont use gps module
      can it be used worldwide??
      the connect to mission planner window hangs if i use gps
      Is there any way to reset all the calibrations so far i made and make apm like that when i had just bought it??
      (Sry. um asking lota of qstns :( )
      • to reset,

        config / tuning > reset to default (at the right hand)

    • Dont be dissapointed and solve your problems step by step

      Reinstalll mission planner. Red light depends on the apm armed or disarmed, and blue light has to do with gps.

      I saw ur schematic circuit diagram and from my pojint of view its well connected. You are powering your apm with one bec, so jp1 jumper must be in its place.

      Are u trying to arm your apm at home? try it on the outer space, because all params are better.

      Gps hdop must be under 2.0, compass and accel well calibrated, and try to arm on stabilize flight mode.

      go to config tuning > standard params> arming check disabled and try to arm. Always without props.

      Dont dissapoint

  • did u solve your problem?

    Try to solve it with the reset button, push it. I had a similar problem and i solved it with the reset button

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Jun 30