Aurdupilot stops navigating during waypoint upload.

This is kind of a big deal for any autopilot.  If you use ardupilot with a data link and upload waypoints during flight (which is a standard feature for any autopilot) the unit stops flying the airplane and it is just free falling until the upload is done and then autopilot kicks in again and tries to save the plane. In our tests we had 10-20 waypoints and the "blackout" lasted about 5 seconds, which might or might not be enough to crash the airplane.  However I don't know if this time is going to increase as you increase the number of waypoints. 


Am I the only one who noticed that?

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  • Developer

    telemetry streams are stoped during wp upload. so dont assume that stabalisation is stoped. in fact it should stabalise just fine as the wp upload rate is at 3 hz, however the gcs will not show an updated state because of the stop of other telemetry

  • I noticed this behavior in the sim, but haven't noticed it in flight.  That being said, because of the blackout in the sim, I only upload WPs during straight and level portions of the flightplan.  The stabilization seems to keep the plane from dropping though, so I assume it's working.

  • Unless the fix is in the latest APM update then, the issue is still there...

    Going to go try the sim.....

  • Developer

    We had similar problem on ArduCopter code but it is now fixed. I expect that it is fixed on APM code too. As far as I know, people are often uploading their wps/settings to APM via wireless. Chris/Doug could confirm WP uploads.


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