Auto Take Off (Hand Launch) Abnormal Roll

In plane wiki page, it's stated that we need to point the aircraft to the take off direction before switching the mode to auto because it records the direction while changing the mode before take off. Is it really needed and critical or is it just a notice?

What would plane do if we switch from FBWA to Auto while plane is on the ground and nose of the plane is directed to another point from the direction that it is really going to take off? I am asking this issue because sometimes I have abnormal roll action during auto take off (hand launching) and I have to compansate roll to other side to be able to save the plane.

I've noticed that there is a statement in wiki as I mentioned above? I did not really care this statement before. Do you think it is the cause?

Thank you all.


Version 3.5.0, 3.5.3

Platform Plane

Airframe type Skywalker 2013 1880 wings T-Tail

Hardware type Pixhawk


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