Autonomous Modes, Capabilities and Definitions

Is the description, options and operation of the "Command" options for each defined Waypoint posted anywhere?  I can't find any info under Flight Modes on the Wiki.  For example, if I want the plane to fly a series of waypoints and then automatically restart the cycle until commanded otherwise, how do I define the Waypoint? 


I have been looking for these instructions on and off for awhile, but now that my ArduPlane is flying quite predictably, it is time to start exercising the options. 



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  • Kelly, I will have to disagree with you.  I have been flying 3 waypoints the last 2 days and only 4 line items in the Waypoint list.  No Dummy Waypoint required. 


    How close are your waypoints, specifically # 2 and #3?  If they are too close maybe they are getting confused and it appears that the third is being skipped.

  • Kelly, are you saying that in order to fly 3 waypoints continously, you need to program 5 waypoints: Waypoints 1-3 are normal, 4 is a duplicate of 3 and 5 is the "Jump_To 1" command?  If so, this sounds like something is wrong.  I know mine performs as designed, but when it is heading to the last actual waypoint it says it is heading to "Waypoint Home" but displays waypoint "0", butI believe it should only refer to Home as "Home" and the HUD should display the actual waypoint number that it is heading to.


    Rainer, I do not believe that a dummy waypoint is displayed on the map to represent the Jump_To least mine doesn't.


    Now that I understand how the Autonomous programming works with each line item being the next command, I am happy.  I have been flying autonomous waypoints with unmanned aircraft since 1994 and this is almost as easy as it gets.  You can quickly see the series of actions the aircraft is programmed to do and you don't have to dig into each waypoint to find out what it is really going to do and what it is going to do next.  My hats off to Michael O.


    I am still looking for a definition of each available command.  Until then, I am off to perform some more nav tuning.  Bottom line is this software is safe and fairly predictable.  Please take the time to read the manual that Chris has provided a link to on this thread; hopefully it will make things more clear for you.

  • Well, I think this is what I did.

    The command list in Flight Planner looks like this:

    1. WAYPOINT ...
    2. WAYPOINT ...
    3. WAYPOINT ...
    4. DO_JUMP to WP# 1

    After executing WP3 as the active navigation command the DO_JUMP gets the active condition command which is executed immediately. So WP#3 is not reached because APM executes WP#1 as the next active navigation command immediately.

    So I think between WAYPOINT navigation command at position 3. and DO_JUMP condition command at position 4. I need an additional condition command which waits until WP#3 is reached.
    But I could't find a condition command which fits.

    See also the video guides for mission scripting:

  • I also want to fly 3 waypoints in an infinite loop.

    So I add 3 WPs and a DO_JUMP to WP1 at the end.
    But WP3 is never reached. The plane flies only between WP1 and WP2.

    Is there a condition command I can insert before the DO_JUMP which waits until WP3 is reached?
    Is this the right way or is there another solution for such an infinite loop of WPs?

  • Wow!  Reading the manual does produce positive results.  ;)


    I used the Jump_To command with "-1" for infinitate circuits and all performed well.  The only anomolies were that when it was heading to the last physical waypoint the GCS would announce "Heading to Waypoint Home" and the screen would indicate it was heading to waypoing "0" and not waypoint 3 (waypoint 4 was the Jump_To command).

  • 3D Robotics

    It's in the manual. You use the Do_Jump command.

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