Autotune resulted in bad wobble

Here's my copter specs:
Tarot 680 pro frame


DJI E300 propulsion system (esc's, motors, props)

8000mah 4S battery

Logged several hours of good stable flights prior to running autotune the first time.  Copter flew beautifully before Autotune.

Flew autotune today. Everything worked as normal. I completed autotune flight, landed, disarmed, and then turned off the autotune switch to save the parameters.

I then launched in Alt hold and noticed that I now have a serious wobble.  Similar to if you had a bent wheel / axle on a car. It still flies but I am very concerned about doing anything else at this point.

Unfortunately I didn't save my PID settings (the defaults) before I ran Autotune.  

Looking for some input or even better yet if someone knows the default PID's for a hexacopter so I can hand jam them back in.

Here's a screenshot of my post Autotune settings along with a log file of the entire flight including autotune and the post autotune flying.


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  • Thanks for the input guys.

    I have reverted all the PID settings back to default and it flies normally now.

    I guess I will just leave autotune alone on this one.

  • pretty sure the PID parameters are logged at the top part of data flash logs, pretty sure the ones autotune tweaks are anyway. So have a look at a file from before your autotune to dig them out.


  • Did you not ever save a parameter file?   You can use the wizard again and select a hex.

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