Baro and Compass in terminal show no values?

Hey guys,


back at it again and i see .42! awesome.


does anyone know if there is a bug in mission planner when you jump into terminal and test command "altitude" or "compass" do they work? 

when i do it, i see no values. do i have a hardware issue or is this a planner bug?






keep up the great work guys!

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  • haha. thanks mike! i tried touching the baro and blowing into it. nothing! my compass is in the recommended config with pins soldered to board. i am totally dumb founded on why these sensors have stopped working. Someone PLEASE help!


  • hi mike, thanks for your diagnostics ! very detailed.  however no luck on my end?! strange, i pretty sure it was working in the past! now its just giving me this.



    Heading: 347, XYZ: 0,0,0


    and for altitude:

    Baro: 0cm


    all this while in CLI mode, GPS light on and Green "A" light on.


    any clues?!


  • Moderator

    2.0.42 on my hardware does produce data for test/altitude and test/compass.


    Details of testing: I took an APM which was running ArduPlane, loaded 2.0.42 from Planner 1.0.67. No airframe, I do have a magnetometer hooked up, but no sonar, no ESCs, no rail power, no RX, no GPS (this last item might be important, it is plausible, not having read all the code, that you might have a GPS that has not fix, and some form of mixing is resulting on no results for compass or altitude. If I were to guess, however, from having read other CLI/Test code, I would bet against this "plausible" theory.)


    I switched it to CLI and Terminal, but it just told me to setup first.

    I used setup to enable the magnetometer and "+" mode, nothing else.

    I switched to Terminal, CLI/Log Switch and here is the rest. It works for me:


    NOTE: You must disconnect and move the slider switch when done to use other tabs

    Opened com port



    Init ACM


    RAM: 2574

    FW Version 107





    Entering interactive setup mode...


    Type 'help' to list commands, 'exit' to leave a submenu.

    Visit the 'setup' menu for first-time configuration.


    ArduCopter 2.0.42 Beta] test

    test] altitude

    Hit Enter to exit.


    Baro: 0cm

    Baro: -60cm

    Baro: -60cm

    Baro: -69cm

    Baro: -78cm

    Baro: -78cm

    Baro: -87cm

    Baro: -104cm

    Baro: -113cm

    Baro: -130cm

    Baro: -130cm

    Baro: -139cm

    Baro: -156cm

    Baro: -156cm

    Baro: -165cm

    Baro: -165cm

    Baro: -165cm

    Baro: -165cm

    Baro: -174cm

    Baro: -174cm

    Baro: -174cm

    Baro: -156cm

    Baro: -156cm


    test] compass

    Hit Enter to exit.


    Heading: 14, XYZ: 203, -92, 182

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 203, -92, 182

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 202, -93, 182

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 202, -93, 182

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 203, -93, 183

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 203, -93, 182

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 203, -92, 182

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 203, -93, 183

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 203, -92, 183

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 203, -92, 182

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 203, -93, 183

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 202, -93, 183

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 202, -93, 182

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 202, -92, 183

    Heading: 14, XYZ: 203, -93, 183



  • Moderator

    Terminal-> test, on Mission Planner is basically a serial terminal link, so if you get far enough to type "test" and "compass" then it would have to be an ArduCopter issue, hardware or software, if it is not giving you data you expect. I'll fire mine up at see what data I get w/ 2.0.42 right now...

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