Basic specs on all CHDK cameras

A friend and I have been looking at drone-based photography options, and obviously CHDK comes up pretty quickly. The CHDK wiki is reasonably exhaustive, but I was surprised there was no listing of all CHDK-compatible cameras and their basic specs (resolution, max ISO for night shots, focal range, price (new), mass, &c). At least not one I could find.

So I spun up some mechanical turks and put together this:

Is this useful to other people? If so, I'll figure out how to mash it into CHDK's wiki syntax or something. If I'm the only one who hadn't gotten the memo on which cameras to choose[1] then I'll leave it alone.

[1] Seems to me that, for mass-consciousness the A3400 is a sweet spot. If you can take 20g more, the A4000 is cheap and has a wider focal range, and the S100 is superb if you don't mind the price tag and another 50g. Right?

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  • I'm new to "drones", been practicing and learning for the last 6 months.  Like you I'm interested in Aerial Photography.  I've been following a "mapping form" on RC Groups and what one of the guys is doing.  It sounds like he's getting a lot of weight up and keeping it in the air for what seems like a long time for a quad.  I bought a DJI Phantom to learn and recently bought a Turbo Ace 830.  I'm now researching cameras and a couple I'm interested in are the Canon SX280 and the Sony NEX 5t or 7.  Does anyone have experience with either...I'm leaning toward the Canon because of the GPS capability.  I'm interested in the Mapping they're doing and would like to know if anyone here has any experience doing that?

  • Thanks to you and your turks! It would also be useful to include sensor size, since that matters more than MP. And in addition to ISO range, it's also important to consider shutter speed and aperture range. It would be really helpful if this list could be converted into something more like this or this.

  • Well, it's not a comprehensive list like yours, but this list shows cameras that are compatible, are considered or for which firmware is on the way. You'd have to go through each link to find out:

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