Battery monitoring in GCS

First of all thanks for this super software.

Doug I followed your changes for battery monitoring.

I have set the battery to 4, using the atto current sensor.
How can I access U,I and most important battery_remaining in the GCS (Planner or HKGCS)?
Thanks for advice.

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  • Developer

    Hi Christof! 


    I did not know you had made the jump to APM.  You must have worn your ArduPilot out ;)  Welcome.


    The way you access battery_remaining in the GCS is - to have patience - LOL.  I don't have the values hooked up to the GCS protocol yet.  Now that SparkFun is over I am digging in on this backlog of know issues, so I will probably get to it somewhat soon.  Please do me a favor and enter an issue in the repo issue tracker so I don't forget.

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