Battery Slipin' and Slide'n

One unanticipated issue was that my brick of a battery keeps sliding out of the velcro harness that was supplied with my kit.  The battery has a slick vinyl covering.  The velcro strap is some kind of slick plastic.  

The only thing I can think of is to spray the battery with that something like the spray adhesive used to mount prints.  There must be a more elegant solution(?)

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  • Developer

    I use the Hobby king double sided foam under the battery. The exposed sticky film gets mucked up right away and isn't really there to hold the battery in. It's does however stick to the frame quite well and the foam is just right for compression.


  • Rather than going the Duct Tape method... I chose to build a battery box for my home brew quad. Velcro is used as a 'door strap' rather than a holding member. It bugs me to think about a battery getting loose and banging around the aircraft.




    I just modified the bottom plate (3DR 'B' style) with 4 holes to mount the box. It also provides a modicum of protection to the battery.

    My new build integrates the box (actually 2 boxes) into the bottom plate. It also stiffens the body center front/back dimensionally.



    The center section is much larger than the stock 3DR center but the arms are shorter. I use the same motor-to-motor distance but with less aluminum. All the parts for the new airframe center were cut on my (first) CNC router.


  • Developer
    A lot of people use Velcro stuck on the battery and the case as well.
  • I use a piece of this stuff siliconed to battery carrier,battery never moves again.

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