battery voltage display


i have an 4 cells connected to the voltage dividers etc...


in setup, i wrote "battery 2" which confirmed me "4 cells".


in TEST mode, when i type "battery" it says  "not enabled"

when i type "current" it seems to work:


  • but how do i monitor each of the 4 cells ?
  • where is the voltage information displayed on the mission planner GCS ?
  • what command should i use to read the voltage when in flight mode ?




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  • actually,

    the HK GCS reads the same battery as 16.9v... the same as the above test in CLI showing 15.54v

    also it's jumping and going to 1v or 0v etc.... strange.


    on the lipo charger it says 15.2v by the way...

  • Voltage is read by HK GCS but I don't know where in the mission planner. I've been trying to get mine working without success but I'm still using my old config for it so I guess it needs changing.
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