I have connected my board and uploaded the software to the board (APM2.5). Because of security policies on my work pc I can't change the bit rate in the com port so I am running at 9650 buad or something. My computer is able to communicate to the board as far as I can tell. Why does the com port need to be set to 115k?
Well it doesn't need to. You can set SERIAL0_BAUD and SERIAL3_BAUD to most standard bit rates on APM.
SERIAL3_BAUD is set for UART0 on APM2.x when the onboard USB is not used, and SERIAL0_BAUD is used when USB is used. The UART2 port, if enabled, always uses SERIAL3_BAUD. The SERIAL3 name is legacy from the APM1 times.
However - Mission Planner is full of more or less arbitrary time-outs, and it all appears to have been made to work only with a very good 115k or at least 57k connection (if you look around you will find that lots of ppl have big problems with MP under other link conditions). I guess the APM might work just fine at 9k6 but not MP.