Beginner Flying Tips?

After getting the 2.5 3DR quad so that it can reliably lift off I was a little disappointed in difficult it was to fly.  I was expecting that it would be more stable than say an electric copter with some assistance in hovering and/or staying in one place.   Part of this is practical -- I live in the woods and I would like to be able to take off within the clearing around my house.  In stable mode it stays flat but it still drifts side to side and is hard to hover at single altitude (about the same as a regular electric helicopter with only gyro support).

So is there any way to tune the quad put it into a "rookie mode" so that it could help me with my lack of flying skills?   This would cut down on frustration not to mention broken parts.

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  • Moderator

    John, I found using a dual rate on a switch to be something really helpful while letting a complete novice "have a go" at my quad, I set the dual rate at 50-60% of normal on roll and pitch and then set the quad in Alt Hold and in calm conditions they are able to "hover" the quad for easily 5-10 minutes at a time. I think dual rates are very under rated (or never used) in multicopters.

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