Bell UH1-H math simulation model

Dear all,

my own interest currently is in flight simulation of rotary wing aircraft. I have
recently programmed an old helicopter math model of a UH1-H of 1973 vintage that
was running on an analog computer back then. My program uses matlab/simulink
and reproduces the dynamic system response that was measured and simulated
in '73 quite closely.

There seem to be not very many complete heli sims around and I therefore think that
more people might be interested in a helicopter simulation that comes with a pretty
good documentation. The document upon which the program is based by the way can be
found here:

I would like to set up an open source project to develope this model further and there
are several ways in which I would like to improve this model:

- To make this a true open source projekt one would have to do away with the
simulink part of the model and convert it such that the ode can be integrated
by an open source program, either ocatve or perhaps a c++ implemantation that
uses gsl.

- The report states that the results in the hovering case did not match measured
values quite as good, so here is another field of work to be done.

- My own interest is in gyro planes. To improve the model I would like to
incorporate a Peters He inflow model and perhaps an aeroelastic rotor model
(and of course a propeller thrust model, but that's probably the easiest part..;-)

I would like to invite anyone who wants to contribute to either branch of the
developement to join the effort.

Since I have no experience in setting up an open source software project any
hints and support to that end are welcome. I have posted this thread to the diy
drones site since I have the impression that there are quite some people active
here with an interest in math models.

Your comments and suggestions on my plan are highly appreciated.



PS: I have attached a screen shot of the simulink model to this post


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  • hello, I am a chinese student, my major subject is flight simulation. The nasa report of un1 helicopter simulation is loaded by me for a long time,  but there is some diffcult in modeling the mathetical dynamic model in matlab. could you send your simulink model of uh1 helicopter for me to study. my email thank you.


  • Juergen,

    I love your idea, and I am ready to jump in. There is an open source Simulink-like software, it is called Scilab (Xcos) This could be our option to keep using a model based programing environment.

    I don't have any experience on websites, but I have some experience on Simulink and helicopter dynamics and aerodynamics.

    I hope I can be part of the project.

    Jorge A. Alvarez.
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