Best configuration for a long range X8

Hello everyone, i have no experience at all in this field, apart from a few days of reading and a lot of years dreaming.

My long term project is to make a X8 fly with the longest possible range (i heard of some configurations that can reach 100km). I will later worry about using an APM with telemetry via 3G connectivity, streaming video from the plane in real time, and all of that kind of cool stuff.

To start with my project, i would like to hear your opinion on what i should order to get started. What kind of motor, prop and battery would provide the best range possible?

Some blogpost pointed me towards a Turnigy SK3 - 3542-1250kv with a 11x6 prop and 4x4S@5Ah batteries.

From what i understand, the goal is to have a config with the lowest possible current during cruise speed, and to have on the other side enough for the liftoff.

Do you have any suggestions?


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  • Hello everyone, late entry here, have been building and flying mostly race quads, just built a Sonicmodell AR wing 900mm with a Matek f405 some time ago, i had bought the SKYWALKER X8 frame since some time but had been waiting for some experience with wings and now i think the time has arrived that i start building this beauty, like the thread owner has asked i am also a bit over whelmed with so much information online about what which motor to get for it and what size props and also not sure about the servos, i have seen Hitec 322 HD servos recommended by many pilots but is there anything better to get.

    i have planned the Dragonlink UHF system i paid someone to get me from USA it should reach soon, what camera do you guys suggest, i for now have a RUNCAM v2 hd cam the long one which can also be used as a fpv cam will that be sufficient or i need something else, for the flight controller i have the Pixhawk 2 cube and for telemetry i have the RFD 900+ module both for ground and air and have a 1.2 antenna tracker but still have not bought a long range 1.2 vtx and receiver yet

    due to my location on the planet i am limited to shop online so most of the stuff i can get is from banggood . aliexpress and hobbyking websites so kindly let me know your recommendations.

  • my advice: start with something small. not a X8 for starters.
    you say you do not have experience but you want to go out 100KM's. That is a lot harder than it seems. You will have to have a perfect video / RC / telemetry link and the antennas that go with them.

    I want to suggest you start with something smaller. like the bixler plane.
    That way you will gain experience with the hobby, RC controls and you will learn what to do in case of an emergency.

    You will crash. We all do. Take that into account. After a crash we repair the pieces and we learn from our mistakes.

    You don't want to crash 100 km's out in unknown terrain. besides losing your very expensive equipment you risk damaging someone else his property. You really don't want to do that.

    The bixler is a lot cheaper to repair after a crash than an X8.

    Really, learn how to fly and to control a simple plane first, and learn how to orient yourself using the video FPV link. I lost a plane myself because I got lost in the skies, only about half a KM away from my home position. It is harder than you think!

    If you really want to go out that far you might eventually be able to get there, after years of building, soldering and reading the forums, but do not expect to put together a plane in a couple of days to go out for 100KM+.

    (most of the stuff you need to reach that kind of distance is DIY so you really need some experience with a soldering iron)

    Don't hesitate to ask questions!

  • Here is my solution. Take a look and get some ideas :)

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