Hi Everyone,
I m searching for best IMU unit for contructing my own autopilot system, with following features:
- cost effective between $100 to $150
- 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer
- low weight
- Easy to work with, i mean it should require less affort to connect with autopilot system.
- and other good features that you think necessary for IMU and autopilot system
So please suggest me some IMU unit names. I have also searched for IMU sensors and found 2 IMU, 3 space sensor and MPU-6000 manufactured by YEI and invensense respectively. Also review both of them if you want and tell which one is good.
A good new IMU is the Mongoose by http://store.ckdevices.com for 115 $US incl. shipping.
In addition to ADXL345 triple axis accelerometer, ITG-3200 triple axis gyroscope, HMC5883L triple axis magnetometer it has a BMP085 barometric pressure sensor.
It also has USB, and a lot of pins to connect additional sensors to.