Best Quadcopter Trainer for New Pilot in 2015

Before I destroy a pricier toy, I'm going to purchase one of the $50-$120 quadcopters that have hit the scene lately and learn how to fly it. 

From other forum posts, I've seen many recommendations, but many are a year or more old and I'm hoping to get a recommendation for 2015!

I would prefer one that has a camera of some sort that is 720p, but that is not a hard requirement.  The most important factor is that it fly similar to, and have controls similar to, the larger copters.  Stage 2 is likely to be a CX-20/Nova or Iris+.

What would you recommend as a flight trainer?

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  • i have been using the Dobby Quadcopter for the past 1 years.
    This quadcopter has very good features and camera, while it is very small. In my opinion, the best quadcopter for the general use is the zerotech dobby QuadCopter.
    To know the best drones of the year you can visit Plaza Magazine(

  • Hi Bob, Thanks for the Hubsan recommendation.  I've looked at a few reviews and I think that will be perfect for my goal.

    That said, I blew my budget and ordered the FPV version; I was inspired by this video:

    FPV Racing Mini Quadcopters


    I'm gonna need more props!!!


  • Dave, I'd recommend first a simulator program. Get a decent transmitter like a Spectrum DX7s, a compatible dongle and try Phoenix RC5 or another sim program that has quads. As far as a trainer goes, I tried a Hubsan X4, it's around $65 on Amazon and even has a camera...order extra batts n props.

    Don't expect any trainer to fly like the bigger quads, but getting the hang of reverse sensing will go a long way to making you more competent before taking on the larger quads.

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