Hi All,
I've bought 3DRobotics frame (few seconds ago :)). Planning to have an Android phone as the payload! Beginning to have fun as well as combine with my PhD research!
Now I want to decide, motor, esc, prop and Lipo for my quod.
I would like to hear the combinations that would work better? may be 20 more mins ?.
thanks in advance,
i get 15mins on a 4s 5000mah battery with 6 NTM 2830s in a Y-6..... on my hoverfly pro board. now trying to get that same performance from the APM
Also keep an eye on Mr. Jani Hirvinen, he's doing a large prop/engine study.
I imagine the stock frame and motors will be able to lift that without much of an issue. I'd start with a higher capacity battery and work from there. :)
I've seen a couple of posts about people getting improved flight time with 11x3.8 props, but I haven't tried it personally. You may also be exceeding the maximum RPM with those on even the default 850kv motor, YMMV. I plan on trying 10x4.7 props instead of the 10x4.5 props shortly, but I'm at high altitude. I'll post if I see a large difference in total flight time though.