Bixler Weight and Balance

I finally got my Bixler in the mail and started testing the parts out and putting it together.  It looks like there's a fairly large nose weight in it.  Does it make sense to remove it sine I'm going to be adding a fair bit of weight in the cockpit?   I'd rather figure that out before gluing the two halves together.

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  • Moderator

    Guys: any links to motor/esc/prop combinatiosn used? The ARF version is no longer in stock and I wanted to order a setup tomorrow.

  • That how I have my apm2 setup with the receiver in the bottom portion. However, I have my servos placed in the tail and elevetor and ran a extenstion cable through the middle with special hatches so the plane has clean look. So my CG is normal with battery placement in the nose. I can see useing weights in the back but you don't want a tail dragger. Your plane can bank and there goes all the work you put in to it. I finishing glassing a new fuselage and will see how this performs.

  • Are folks using the electronics chassis?  I bought one, but it seems like it's a bit heavy.

  • I removed the washers and stuck the 2200 mAh battery up there and it flies very nicely.  This also has the added benefit that if you nose dive repeatedly into the ground less of the front crushes because the weight is already there.

  • This: "Reglue and tape over all the control horns, especially the elevator and aileron horns, or they will come loose" x 100

    I'm lucky i caught this between flights and not in the air.

    Also with the out of the box hook ups the bixler handles very softly, at least compared to the sims/trainers.  I found myself moving the hook-ups for the ailerons to closest hole to wings and the elevator at the third.  I'm going to try that business card trick next

  • Moderator

    A few other ideas:

    * Use a solid wingspar, or fill the wingspar with gorilla glue, or a wooden rod. Anything to stiffen it, otherwise you are likely to shread it.

    * Reglue and tape over all the control horns, especially the elevator and aileron horns, or they will come loose

    * Use 3M reinforced packing tape and cover the bottom and nose, and reinforce the cabin sides where they join the body

    * Increase the surface of the rudder by 1-2 inches with some business cards

    * Upgrade the prop to an APC 6x4E

    * Use some velcro tape to place internal components, easy to reposition for balance as needed, especially your batteries

    * Use some 3m command strip hooks (flat, clear are best) on the wings, facing hook outward on the underside of each wing, just behind the wingspan. Then pass a rubber band through the hole, and hook the rubber band to each hook, holds the wings together. Use a bit of packing tape between the rubber band and the body so it does not dig in.

    More ideas?

  • I would remove the washers.  Use a cup of boiling water to soften the glue so you don't tear the foam

  • Moderator

    Yes, remove the washer ballast. Then rebalance the plane at 60-70mm from the leading edge of the wing.

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