Hello Everybody,

I have  APM1 loaded with the latest aruplane software, as GCS I'm using Mission Planner.

Lately I changed my radio from a Spektrum DX6i to a Graupner MX16 Hott. I applied this tutorial to have access to 6 different modes, I'm using channel 5 of the radio and the following switches : SW8 (2 positions) and CTRL9 (3 positions). Beside the use of channel 5, it's exactly the same setting as described in the tutorial (A big thank you to Colin for this).

I have done the calibration of the radio via Mission Planner and set the 6 modes on the radio switches, now I experience something bizarre (I call it bizarre because I didn't experienced it when I was using the DX6i):

When the switch SW8 is on Up position and the CTRL9 is either on Mid or Up the engine starts and run on low RPM, I need to play with the throttle stick trim on the transmitter to shut it down. It doesn't happen when CTRL9 is on Down position or when I put the SW8 on Down position (the engine doesn't start running no matter the position of the CTRL9 in that case).

It happens no matter which mode is related to the switches position.

Any of you have an idea about what might the issue there (if there's any issue at all) ?

Thanks in advance for your time and your help

Have a great day


PS: Up position: switch towards me, down position, obviously it's away from me.... ;-)

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  • Check your radio programming and you could easily observe this by going to the calibrate window and watching the inputs move. Most likely, your radio is engaging a throttle hold or some other function. I cannot stress enough, use an airplane profile not a heli profile in the radio. Helis have all sorts of mixing and holds built in, it could even be something for autorotation thus why collective and throttle channels would be outputing a mix.

    Again, willing to bet this is because your radio is set to heli. You're the second person this week to make this mistake.

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