BLheli esc compatibility with PX4

Hi all, I see this issue and variations of it have been around for a while. This is my first build so it has been very frustrating to say the least.

After passing all the basic setup's in MP I tried to run up the motors but they only get to about 15%.
I had a look at the pwm signal out of the PX4 with an oscilloscope and can see the motors start at about 50% duty cycle then as I increase the throttle the motor speed increases slightly and they stay at that speed even though the throttle is at max and the duty cycle is at about 90%.
So I have throttle range but the esc's don't respond. I have flashed esc's to the latest firmware.
Also I can't get passthrough to work as well, maybe related to the esc's?

Has anyone had this type of problem.

DYS Blheli 30A V2


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  • Solved setting the “Low RPM Power Protect” to “Off” in esc setup.

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