Board fried?

I was connecting the power for the Ardupilot on my aircraft when the power line slipped and hit the shield board and I heard a loud pop. :(Now I'm unable to communicate with the board at all. Whenever I try to download programs to the board I get the following error "avrdude: stk500_cmd(): programmer is out of sync" and if I try to see view data via the serial port I just get squares.I had everything working finally argh how frustrating!!I'm pretty sure I fried it but you don't have the original boards in stock currently. When will you be getting more? Please tell me soon!! Thanks for your help.

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  • Anyone know if it makes a difference if i use the old red board here with the new green shield here? Thanks.
  • Admin

    If you are referring to the Ardupilot Atmega 168 board as the "original board", then they will never be available again as they have been phased out. Presently Sparkfun has over 100 of the present Ardupilot Atmega 328 boards and they are the only ones available now.

    Just a thought.

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