BOB4 - indoor Autonomous coaxial Helicopter

Hi everybody.


I am new to this community. I am from France, and I am building robots as a hobby.

I have just begun a new project called “BOB4”, which will be my 4th robot. (my previous robot can be viewed HERE). The hardware of BOB4 is ready and tested. I am now trying to program it. I am now working on IMU software (small video HERE).


Some pictures of my project. 


My aim is to make an autonomous indoor UAV, based on a coaxial helicopter, and on a custom electronic board. I want to make it alone, but I plan to share my project here.

Why coaxial heli? Because it is a very stable platform, and small enough for indoors flights.


Your community is a great source of inspiration for me. That’s why I jointed in.




Some characteristics of this project:

  • Based on LAMAV3 - Esky coaxial helicopter
  • home made landing gear
  • 3 in 1 module (motor controler + gyro + mixer) from Esky
  • Motherboard: Embedded Master from GHI-Electronics (ARM7TDMI + 8Mo Ram + 4Mo Flash)
  • Bluetooth radio link using 2 Free2Move modules
  • 4 SRF02 sonars
  • One 6DOF IMU from Sparkfun
  • one HMC5843 - 3 axis magnometer
  • One 100mW white LED (just for fun)
  • total wheight: 260g

I use one external power supply (8V 50W) for tests. I had to add some electrochimical capacitors to this power supply.


The 2 PCB of my BOB4 are designed by myself using Eagle (demo version). They were manufactured by OLIMEX, an European (Bulgaria) electronic manufacturer.


I have removed all the electronic of an existing "radiocontrol". I then placed a bluetooth module, a PIC microcontroler, an LCD display (4x16 characters), a link to the serial port of my PC (using a MAX232) and some switches. The board of the new radiocontrol was made using "wrapping". I want to use only one radio link for all data needed: manual control + orders sent via PC + programming + data feedback from heli.


I added a very simple "failsafe": I can cut the power of the motors and servo via one switch of the radiocontrol, or when loosing the radio connexion.


I will keep this page updated as soon as possible. Meanwhile, do not hesitate to ask me any question, or post any comment.



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  • Hi, 

    that is funny i am working on same concept ,.. 

    So is there an reason why you didnt use any ardupilot ? for control ? 

    And did you find an way how do dertemine indoor how far you went in meters ? 


    hint would be great 



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