Brushless motor won't spin with a specific propeller

I am using UT-2217 motors (, AutoQuad ESC32 v2 ( and 4 cell LiPo. I have uploaded the firmware for the ESCs and now I am trying to calibrate them. However, the motor does not want to start spinning with a 12x4.5 propeller recommended by the motor manufacturer. When I start the calibration I get scraping noises from the motor and very small oscillations (no spinning). In a few seconds the ESC stops the calibration as the motor won't spin. When I try without the propeller, the motor spins fine. I tried with a 11x4.7 as well: the motor again gives the scraping noises and the oscillations in the beginning, but in the end it starts spinning... I am connecting via FTDI to the ESC(ABC leads of the ESC are connected to the motor and the PWM is not connected to anything). I get exactly same behaviour no matter  whether I run the calibration program from AutoQuad  or I just try to spin the motor manually via command line.

I also tried different decoupling capacitor values for the ESC - 330uf, 800uF, 1270uF, but still the same.

Any idea what might be the issue or suggestions to debug/fix?

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  • Thanks so much, that did it!

  • I tried your suggestion and the motor indeed started after I gave it an initial push. ESC32 has an ADVANCE value in its control table and I tried every possible integer, but the motor still refuses to start on its own.

    I ran the calibration software provided by AutoQuad (manufacturer of ESC32) with an 11x4.7 propeller. I then tried putting the 12x4.5 propeller, but it still refuses to start. Here are the current values of the control table of the ESC. You can find a reference here ( Do you have any suggestions what else I need to modify.

    BAUD_RATE = 230400 baud
    PTERM = 0.250
    ITERM = 0.00060
    FF1TERM = +1.05532e-07
    FF2TERM = +1.01535e-03
    CL1TERM = +9.10266e-01
    CL2TERM = +8.19136e-04
    CL3TERM = +1.12699e-01
    CL4TERM = +8.19820e-05
    CL5TERM = +5.62973e-01
    SHUNT_RESISTANCE = 0.500 mohms
    MIN_PERIOD = 50 us
    MAX_PERIOD = 12000 us
    ADVANCE = 15.00 Degs
    START_VOLTAGE = 1.10 Volts
    MAX_CURRENT = 0.0 Amps
    SWITCH_FREQ = 20.0 KHz
    MOTOR_POLES = 14
    PWM_MIN_PERIOD = 2200 us
    PWM_MAX_PERIOD = 25000 us
    PWM_MIN_VALUE = 750 us
    PWM_LO_VALUE = 1000 us
    PWM_HI_VALUE = 1950 us
    PWM_MAX_VALUE = 2250 us
    PWM_MIN_START = 1100 us
    PWM_RPM_SCALE = 6500 RPM
    PNFAC = 10.00
    INFAC = 0.15
    THR1TERM = +0.00000e+00
    THR2TERM = +1.00000e+00
    START_ALIGN_TIME = 600 ms
    START_ALIGN_VOLTAGE = 0.90 Volts
    START_STEPS_PERIOD = 16000 us
    PWM_LOWPASS = 0.00
    RPM_MEAS_LP = 0.500
    SERVO_DUTY = 16.0 %
    SERVO_P = 0.050
    SERVO_D = 0.000
    SERVO_MAX_RATE = 1000.0 deg/s
    SERVO_SCALE = 360.0 deg
    ESC_ID = 0

    ESC32 V2 Configuration and Modes
  • Thanks, I will try

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