Build my first Rover How to Work Apm ?

Hello Friends, I have in mind an idea, please help me. 

I'm very interested in build a ArdurRover, but I'm not sure how it works the apm.

I have some questions 

¿ArduPilot Mega is capable of control a servo for calculate which way to turn?.

Ie if ordered score 3 points in mission planner. When my car is in motion and reaches the first point Will rotate the servo ?.
To test this would not be obligatory set the engines, could see myself walking and when you get to the second point of land registered in mission planner, the servo should rotate? Is all this true ?.

That's why I dedicido and create my first Rover. I am convinced that the ArduPilot code is responsible for making calculations such as: uses formulas like haversine, or convert coordinates to decimal degrees to make calculations with the digital compass.

I do not want to confuse them more. I'll say what I have in mind is about plate:

1. ArduPilot manipulates a servo to change course or does it using only a control radio. Pressing invisibly controls?
2. ArduPilot can decide in which direction you have to turn a servo ?.
3. ArduPilot is like the automatic control of a plane?. In this case uses a servo, is true or false?

My idea is to run the car with 2 motors controlled with arduino and a bridge h . The task of changing direction I think that makes ArduPilot.

I hope allan understood what I have in mind, what I really want to do is make use of ArduPilot to control the rudder of the vehicle. If this is possible I will not have problems.


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