Hi guys

The last couple of days I have been trying to get ArduCopter to compile on Visual Studio without success and I don't know what else to try. Just to confirm, is this still a supported feature?

I am not entirely sure whether the version pulled from git ardupilot would be compatible so i tried downloading other branches manually. I have the environment setup (correctly I believe) and i am able to upload and connect to mission planner (currently using 3.0.1 with a miniarduflyer from rctimer).

However, in VS, I have 23 warnings and 100 errors (these are related to intellisense so i assume it's not a big deal since the compiler works fine). I do have identifier errors in my source that worry me and i as wondering if these are normal. To mention a few:





(list goes on)

all display the message: "Error: identify "..." is undefinied. 

Anyone else had a similar problem?

Finally, which GIT branch are you guys running with Visual Micro and VS?

Thanks in advance!


EDIT: There is definitely something wrong...upon trying to go through the wizard, it stalls on step 9. Will keep looking into this

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  • You've set up your environment as per http://dev.ardupilot.com/wiki/building-the-code/building-ardupilot-... ?

    I'm not aware of many people building it this way, most people are either using the Arduino environment of building it on Linux.

    Also, note that V3.3 and later of Arducopter are too big to fit on the Atmel-based APM boards. You would need to be building a version prior to this.

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