Building ArduPlane SITL in Windows Vista

I have been trying to build ArduPlane STIL in windows and can't seem to get the ArduPlane to build.

I get the following errors in the cygwin terminal.

First I changed the directory...


$ cd c:/ArduPlane-2.50/ArduPlane


Then I told it to make the files...

Bill@BillHomeVistaPC /cygdrive/c/ArduPlane-2.50/ArduPlane

$ make -f ../libraries/Desktop/Makefile.desktop

../libraries/Desktop/ *** ERROR: cannot determine sketchbook location - please specify on the commandline with SKETCHBOOK=<path>. Stop.


Then since it said it needed a SKETCHBOOK path, I added it and then got the following...

Bill@BillHomeVistaPC /cygdrive/c/ArduPlane-2.50/ArduPlane

$ make -f ../libraries/Desktop/Makefile.desktop SKETCHBOOK=c:/ArduPlane-2.40/ArduPlane

../libraries/Desktop/ WARNING: sketchbook directory c:/ArduPlane-2.40/ArduPlane contains no libraries

../libraries/Desktop/ *** ERROR: sketch ArduPlane is missing ArduPlane.pde. Stop.


It seems others have been able to get this built. What am I doing wrong? What should I be doing?

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  • Can you build the target system using the Arduino IDE?

    That will show that you have all the files in the right places.

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