Ok, so this will be my first arduino and raspberry pi build of a drone, although I am actually trying to figure out the best way to do this and I'm planning to start with a fixed wing first. I picked upma decent motor and esc and i have all the servos and other types of brushless and brushed and stepper motors to build 50 different airplanes and quads. Its figuring out the configuration and the software thats the tricky part for me. The actual build is always just the fun part for me. I currently have 3 operational quadcopters. 2 thst i built and 1 that was a buy and fly. The buy and fly is a devo7 f250. Its a nice little quad, but I cannot seem to get the camera to mesh with my goggles so I have to fly line if sight, and since I've already lost my first 2 drones by losing line of sight in one, the wind took it and I couldn't figure out orientation, as I watched it just keep drifting further and further away. The other one I had the goggles operating, and they just cut out suddenly and I wasn't paying close attention to where the quad was, and I couldn't hear it, so I never was able to reestablish the link to the goggles, and never found the drone again. My current 2 build drones are entirely my own. The first one that was completed of the 2 is running rs2205 2300kv motors, an all in one camera tied to the tbs crossfire diversity receiver, and the flight controller is the t-motor f7 stack fc/esc combo. The newest quad, which currently doesn't have a camera, but I am thinking about using a caddx baby turtle in is running a set of motors that I can't even remember what the kv on them is, I picked them up on sale for a great price but it was several years ago, so I don't know what the kv on them is but I think they're about 2x the other drone. 5200kv I think, but I could be totally wrong. I'm flying an frsky rsxr fc, but I removes the rsxr receiver because after months of trying to get it to work.....(Ok years) I have up, and I am using a crossfire nano instead. I'm using the same esc that was in the flip32 drone, it's blheli32 and ties seamlessly into the omnibus fc with just a cable plug. I've also got go a on this quad running, and I love the look of this build. I was able to take my time and do it right with this one and am proud of how well it does. But I don't have a vtx to install in this quad so I can't see any reason to install a camera if I can't actually send a signal and use my goggles. I fly the devo7 transmitter for the f250, and I fly the radiomaster tx16s for the other two, and I have a set of flysight spexman hd goggles that I absolutely love! So that's what I'm flying. I'm still what I would consider a total newb even after 4 builds, I'm still a rank amateur when it comes to actually flying, even after countless hours in a pos SIM. I can't get the Sims to not be so laggy that it's not even close to helpful. Anyway, I'll try and keep updates as I love further into this project, and everyone have a great time, and keep flying. After all it not the flight that destroys the drone, it's the hard object you hit at the final millisecond of recorded flight data that does the job.

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  • Looks like it could become an interesting project
  • A couple of things I forgot to mention is that along with all the other that I mentioned these are the boards that I have on hand that I'm considering using on the ardu/pi plane. I have a raspberry pi 2b+, a raspberry pi zero, a standard arduino, an arduino micro, 3 different types of pi hat motor controller boards, a cnc pi hat, a prototyping hat, and a couple of i2cexpansiin boards, a couple of sonar sensor boards for object avoidance, a 6 axis/gyro board, x2 ftdi boards and use to ttl. As well as hundreds of other electronics parts and sensors I've salvaged over the last 6 years or so. Hardware I don't believe is going to be my problem, and the actual fabricating I have down, but it's the software I'm going to need to get batter at
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