buying the px4fmu + IO

which website is alternative in quality so i can buy from because 3dr out of stock now
i found it in this website

is it good as this one

mmm i realy need help to take that decision can someone help me choose 

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  • Admin


    I have a PX4 FMU/IO V1 and I would not buy another one.

    I would wait and buy a Pixhawk which has leveraged the knowledge gained from the PX4 design into a much better autopilot design.

    The stacked PX4 V1 is hard to mount since it does not have a protective case like Pixhawk and the I/O connection are spread all over the FMU and the I/O where as the Pixhawk has them all in one place.

    Also, the placement of the onboard compass right under the I/O board switching power supply transformer is of some concern and really necessitates the use of an outboard compass.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

    • thank u Thomas for this advice :) 

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