Camera Aerial Photography


I have recently assembled my first multi-copter.

The next step is to add a camera for aerial photography.  I'm looking for a camera that is light weight, but can also produce some quality imagery.  The Canon S100 looks idea.

Any advise?




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  • Hi Gareth,

    what camere did you finally choose? 

    I have to take the same decision now,


    • Hi Jaime

      I've decided on the s95 & s100.  I managed to get all three cameras second hand at a great price.  Based on recommendation from others and also the price that I managed to get the cameras for, it seemed to be the correct choice.  Still busy with final setups on my hexa and fixed wing, will send through some pics soon.



  • Moderator

    I'm a recent convert from the S100 to the broader range of (cheaper) cannon cameras using CHDK. I've been testing the A2200 specifically, and I've found it performs very admirably with a shutter speed between 1/1000 and 1/2500. Plenty of used CHDK-compatible cameras on auction sites, Amazon, etc. it really is a great relief to drop the payload cost to 1/6th.
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