Camera trigger / relay output for DSLR

I am using the latest software and an APM 2.8. All I need is the relay out put from APM to go from 0v to 5v when I activate a switch on my remote. I though this would be a piece of cake. Mission planner Arducopter V3.2.1

I am as confused as a confused person. The naming convention is driving me crazy.

I thought I had done all the steps, setting CH7 to camera trigger, camera trigger to relay,  etc

Here are what I believe to be the appropriate parameters:


CH7_OPT = 9 : Camera Trigger

Radio 7 is on the TRN switch and goes from 987 to 2011

A9 output on ACM 2.8 stays at 1.8 volts.

If I mess with In Optional Hardware > Camera Gimbal, Shutter and set it to RC7 the CAM_TRIGG_TYPE gets set to 0 so I have left this at "Disable".

I plan to drive a relay to trigger my canon the simple way. 

What am I doing wrong?


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