Hell, I am trying to do photomapping by UAV for a remote coral reef near Taiwan. It's out of the cruise range of our quad from land. I am thinking to take the quad, with APM 2.6 + GPS 6H, on a boat, sail to the reef, then launch the quad from the boat.

My question is, will the gyro in APM 2.6 function properly if it take off from a boat if the boat wobbles more or less?

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  • "I would think so. So long as it was calibrated in advance you shouldn't have any problems. I've held mine over my head and successfully armed it (very dangerous and not recommended). It took two tries as I wasn't holding it perfectly steady, but it did arm within a 5 to 10 seconds. "

    Do you mean that after turn on everything on land, the radio, quad and mission planner remain connected with power on during the travel on boat? That will take about an hour. Is that all right to let everything connected for so long?
  • For my work in Aerial Photography, I take off and land off the back of my truck all the time...  With practice... no problem...

  • I would think so.  So long as it was calibrated in advance you shouldn't have any problems. I've held mine over my head and successfully armed it (very dangerous and not recommended).  It took two tries as I wasn't holding it perfectly steady, but it did arm within a 5 to 10 seconds. 

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