Can AMP power a quad-tilt wing?!


    Im am seeing these exotic flying wings that can hover like a quad, and fly like a plane both on here, and on! I want to build/ design my own for APM.. But can APM do that? Can APM control quad functions with the APM veritcal up and down in the frame, and then when the wing tips to foreward flight can the APM know its in plane mode and fly like that at the switch of a transmitter?

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  • 3D Robotics
    Sure. It's just code. Just merge the APM and ArduCopter codebases. It would probably take a decent programmer a week at most. That's what an open source project is for--go for it!

    I don't quite get those hybrids myself--they're heavy and unmaneuverable quads and very slow and draggy planes. If you want VTOL, better just to have a plane take off and land in harrier mode (already easy to support)
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