Can an APM be mounted upside down?

I'm fabricating a new quad frame, and I want to mount an APM 2.5 on the bottom, upside down, facing forward, of course. Can this be done? Is there a setting in MP, or will it think it is upside down and FLIP-OUT? I can save some weight and less parts, etc...

Thanks, Tom

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  • Moderator
    In short, it will flip out, if you just mount and pray.
  • 3D Robotics

    I think you'll need to go into the code and change some orientation settings, especially the mag. (or use an external mag that's faced right-side up. 

  • MR60
    In version 2.9, go in mission planner, arducopter level, and launch the calibration. It will ask you to place the quad in all directions , so i guess you could place the APM upside down
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