Hi All.

I really like the idea of using a tablet as a GCS and would like to know if it's possible to connect the 3DR radios directly to my tablet (it has a USB port).  Has anyone done it?  Do you need separate drivers?  

I have a Thrive which has regular USB and micro USB ports.  Has anyone done it successfully with a different tablet?  I also have an iPad it if would work with that.  Really don't want to go the bluetooth route and can't find any info on the net about direct connection.

Thanks in advance,


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  • I have a Thrive also.  The answer is YES!  ( love my Thrive, people never realize it has full size USB and HDMI ports.  Their loss)

    There is a FREE android app called andropilot (i think by geeksville?) and it works perfectly with the 3dr radios.  Get it through the google play store. 

    You don't have the same functionality as you do with the full mission planner software to make configuration changes, but you have a full ground station.

    It is pretty cool.  I have recently seen an ad for an ipad app, but I didn't pay much attention to it since I dont have an ipad.

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