Can not calibrate accelerometers as shown in video


I built a 3DR quad using APM2. Unfortunately, the copter wants to flip on take off. I've read many discussions and suggestions why this could happen. I followed the 9 point check list too.

In that list to look for was the accelerometer calibration. It even gave a cool link to a video that shows following the mission planner's procedure. Basically you click on a button and follow the text instructions. These are to position the copter on various sides while holding it still and clicking the button. In turn, a new instruction tells you what edge to position and you click the button again. After several "edges" are finished, your copter is calibrated.

My issue is that when I click the button, no messages appear. Instead I get "instruction received". Nothing I do can change the state.

I can setup/test the gyros and accelerometers in the CLI. I get offset values returned for each this way.

Do you think that my copter flips because its accelerometers are not calibrated?

Thanks for any advice,


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  • Gee people.... I really would like to know why the video shows how to calibrate the Accelerometers by stepping through 6 positions BUT i can not reach those steps in the mission planner.

    Now I have three platforms with the same issue. I use different computers and today's latest mission planner. .36 I believe.

    No joy because not flight ready.


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