I have point cloud data (*.laz, about 12gb) of a forestry plantation, it has 4 trees species and I have a shp file with this info and with the polygons. My goal is get the tree count, height and crown diameter per individual tree and get the wood volume per polygon. I don't have too much experience in coding, so I would like to see whether there is software that can finish this task. Can someone give some recommendations? Thanks.

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  • To obtain information such as trees count, height and tree crown diameter, a tree segmentation of the point cloud is first required. It is pretty technical to complete tree segmentation of the lidar point cloud. The current methods are mainly based on CHM segmentation and point cloud segmentation. However, their segmentation accuracy will be affected by different forest types. There is a software called LiDAR360, which has both CHM segmentation and point cloud segmentation.

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