Can't arm my APM anymore

Hello everyone.

I have no luck with my quad but maybe somebody can help. I flew it before, just few weeks ago and was no problem. I just upgraded motors today. 

My quad is based on SK450 frame. All bits are connected fine and I have done calibration including: ESC + APM + RC + Compass + Compassmot. Mission planer is not showing any errors or warnings. The problem is when I want to arm it. Standard procedure: Yaw stick down + right and after just 5-8 sec the red LED start blinking. Unfortunately it's very different this time. It's flashing, not rapidly like before but quite slowly. Also the connection in mission is frozen. When I click disconnect and connect button in Mission Planer all settings are loading but very all is very sluggish. After full power cycle all is back to normal but not arming of course. 

I have done settings reset but no luck. 

My spec: Sk450, AMP 2.6 with latest firmware 3.1.5, external compass, ESC HK Afro 20A, Sunny Sky 780KV, 4S 5000.

Thanks in advice for your help but looks like the AMP is faulty :(


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