I am trying to do some bench testing indoors. I can not get the Pixhawk (v3.3) to arm no matter what I try:
1) Disable prearm checks
2) Make all flight modes non-gps modes
3) Change GPS_TYPE to zero (meaning no gps)
4) Change AHRS_GPS_USE to zero
After (1) did not work (I verified that writing the parameters worked), I added on 2, 3, and 4. No luck. I still get one type or another of GPS errors (speed, whatever) when I try to arm. If I go outside (getting a good GPS signal), arming works.
Ideas? Thanks...
hello im really confused and it drive me crazy ( I CANT ARM MY QUAD ) frame type : tarot 650 Apm 2.6 esc and motor calibration : done radio calibration : done compass and accelerometer .. calibrated several times i received many pre arm checks messages like GPS HDOP / BAD VELOCITY AND SO ON i did my best to solve it and i only could solve GPS HDOP but is cant arm anyway i end up disable pre arm checks just to see if i can arm or not ... and i still cant arm any ideas .. help! suggestion perhaps
To help and inform other users who will have the same experience, the problem is not a bug but a "hidden feature" introduced in version 3.3.x:
-in previous versions you would disable the pre arm checks in the corresponding menu (standard params) of mission planner
-in version 3.3.2 (and I suppose future versions?) : doing the above step , AND you must also go in the full parameters list or tree or geofence menu , look for the parameter "Geofence enable" and set it to zero.
I have tested it succesfully like that.
Super annoying - you saved me a lot of time - cheers.
You probably need to disable the fence (I can't remember the exact name of the parameter).
That's the solution: disarming GeoFence.
I raised this issue here, there are some controversial thougths: https://github.com/diydrones/ardupilot/issues/3220
Thx for the info. Too bad this new behaviour in 3.3.x remained undocumented.
Further I do not see any reason to not show explicitly, geofence with pre arm checks: I want freedom to configure as I wish to and be able to disable pre arm checks when I need to. The non developer user can't know from thin air how the code has been modified introducing new hard links between parameters.
I noticed the same bug. it is impossible to disable the prem arm checks, although the parameter is set.
I Noticed same thing. Only with 3.3.